There are at least five good following reasons why you should choose Poland as a country to study : A very good quality of studies for competitive price , Poland is a dynamically developing member state of European Union with young society, strong economy and good prospects for the future, Study programs provided in English language, International students can apply for legal work during studies Poland is beautiful, safe and friendly country to live, study and work
oland is situated in Central Europe. It is bound by the Baltic Sea, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, Slovakia and Ukraine. The country is mostly part of the Great European Plain, while to the south, the plain rises to the Carpathian and Sudeten Mountains. There are 38.2 million inhabitants in the country. The official language is Polish. The capital of the country is Warsaw.
At present there are a total of 121 state higher educational institutions and not less than 210 non-state higher educational institutions in Poland, which offer a very wide range of different courses and programmes (private schools of higher education must receive permission to operate from the Ministry of National Education; they acquire a legal status when registered by the Minister of National Education). Among the higher schools, there are both university-type and non-university type (professional education) institutions. State and non-state higher professional (vocational) schools train students in professional specialisations and prepare them for specific professions by including 15-week internships and school practice in the mandatory curriculum.
Graduates of higher professional courses are awarded the title of Bachelor of Arts/Science or Engineer (Bachelor of Engineering) after 3 to 4 years of study. Graduates of university-type higher educational institutions are awarded the title of magister (Master of Arts/Science) or its equivalent after taking standard 5-year MA/MSc level courses or 1.5 to 2-year complementary MA/MSc level courses (intended for holders of the professional title of Bachelor of Arts/Science or Engineer received either at university-type institutions or institutions of higher professional education).
The academic degree of doctor (Ph.D.) is awarded to a person who has passed his/her doctoral examinations and submitted and defended a doctoral dissertation (holding the title of magister or its equivalent is a necessary condition for successively obtaining the doktor’s degree)
Poland offers various scholarship programs for polish students and as well as international students to.Studying in Poland means quality education at a low cost and also we can apply for various scholarships and discounts for international students.For example,the Polish Government Scholarship will not only pay our tuition fees but also give us a monthly allowance,which will cover some of our everyday living costs.The Government Scholarship is granted for a specific period of time. However,we may apply to extend it to cover the total time of our studies in Poland.Scholarships for Foreigners The Ministry of Science and Higher Education sets from time to time a quota of scholarships for persons undergoing education in Poland under international agreements or under decision of the minister responsible for Higher Education.Foreign students scholarship applications falling within the quota are transmitted by Polish consular/diplomatic missions to the Bureau for Academic Recognition and International Exchange. The final decision of scholarship,is taken by the Minister of Science and Higher Education
Scholarships under inter-school agreements Some Polish and foreign higher education institutions have agreements on temporary exchange of students and academic and research staff.In each case the HEIs involved agree the rules for granting scholarships.A foreign student seeking a scholarship in Poland must meet specific inter-school exchange requirements.Some HEIs have their own scholarship programs.European Union scholarships we can also come to Poland on one of European Union programs in which Polish HEIs are actively involved, in particular the SoCRATES educational programs which creates opportunities for cooperation at all levels and in various fields of education.
Poland is a country where cost of living is lower than in other countries. Students should remember that average costs are different in each city.
Shopping centres are available in every bigger town in Poland. Usually, they are open 7 days a week, often from 8.00 to 21.00, although, there are also shops open 24/7.Local shops where you can buy food and fresh products are mostly open from Monday to Friday usually from 7.00 or 8.00 to 18.00 and on Saturday to 14.00 in other cities than Warsaw. They are usually closed on Sundays. Bazaars are very popular in Poland. You can buy fresh fruits and vegetables there, as well as many other items. Bazaars are most frequently open from Monday to Saturday, and are often located at large housing estates
Poland offers a huge amounts of jobs for graduates and as well as students.For searching job in Poland,you can start with the national daily papers and weekly job supplements that are published in the majority of Polish dailies.Obviously, there are many other places where you can find current job vacancies.
Poland is one of the few countries in the European Union (EU) that has been able to increase its gross domestic product (GDP)in the midst of the global economic downturn. The majority of the country workforce is in the services sector,while around 30% are in industry,working in automotive manufacturing,chemicals and food processing,among other sectors. Approximately 16% of the workforce is employed in agriculture. The number of foreign people working in Poland.The foreigners has increased steadily since 2010, mostly in the agriculture,construction, retail and wholesale trade sectors (OECD, 2012).Youth unemployment is a big problem in the country, but there are opportunities available for people with highly sought-after language or IT skills in industries such as telecommunications,computer science and logistics.Other areas of recent growth include education,banking and finance,business services,tourism and management.
There are lots of job vacancies in Poland. You can Search job vacancies with the daily papers and weekly job supplements. You should also try notice boards in supermarkets. sometimes you can find some temporary job offers like helping with housework or dog-walking there. When you are looking for a job, you should also bear in mind that your wages depend on where you live. Naturally,the best wages are offered in big cities,regardless of the type of a position.The minimum wage in Poland is 317 euro per month. A student can earn about 10-15 PLN [2.5 – 3.75 euro] per hour.
Public Employment Services
In order to take advantage of all the offered job advertisements available at a poviat labour office, you have to be registered with it as a job-seeker or an unemployed. Registration will provide access to closed job offers. In order to register, you need the following documents: The identity card or another identification document along with a certified registered address of residence. A diploma, school graduation certificate, school certificates or a certificates of completion of a course or training. Employment records for the entire employment period. All the other documents necessary to determine the rights, if any.
Non-public employment agencies
All non-public employment agencies should be entered in the register of entities that operate employment agencies, which is confirmed by a certificate issued by the marshal of a voivodeship. A list of agencies can be found on the website of the informational webpage of labour offices .This list is also available at the poviat labour office, voivodeship labour office or at the Information and Career Planning Centres.
Work experience and internships in Poland As the job market is competitive and youth employment is relatively high, work experience could give your CV the boost it needs to help you stand out from the crowd. Internships and summer work placements for students can also be arranged by: AIESEC UK – for students and recent graduates. IAESTE UK – for science, engineering and applied arts students.