Careermakers Education

December 3, 2020

Changes in PTE Academic Score Requirements for Students and Immigrants –

Like other language test providers, the PTE team undertakes periodic reviews of its score concordance with other tests. 

This enables us to re-evaluate, validate, and update our concordance as appropriate, to ensure we maintain the highest levels of accuracy when scoring test takers. 

The concordance research only compares PTE Academic and IELTS Academic tests. The alignment of PTE Academic to TOEFL and the industry-standard used to describe language proficiency, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), has not changed.  

The original concordance table between PTE Academic and IELTS Academic test scores was based on a linking study conducted in 2009 (published 2011). Following the recent research study, using data collected over several years, the concordance table has been updated. 

The research involved collecting score data from candidates who each undertook PTE Academic and IELTS Academic tests within a short time period. Test takers were generally representative of PTE Academic test takers in terms of gender, age, primary language, and country of citizenship. 

PTE Academic remains the most accurate and reliable test of academic English. There have been no changes to the construct and scoring of PTE Academic. 

What has changed 

Frequently Asked Questions :

Question : Will Australian, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom governments now be changing their score requirements for visas?

Ans : Pearson has updated our government partners on the outcomes of our concordance study. It is their decision as to whether they make changes to the score requirements for visa applications. This is a release of our research findings; pending their review, governments and institutions may decide to make changes to their requirements.

Question : I scored 79 to apply for an Australian skilled migration visa. Will this now change to 84? And is my test result now ineligible?

Ans : Pearson has updated our government partners on the outcomes of our concordance study. It is their decision as to whether they make changes to the score requirements for visa applications. Please check with the relevant government department on any changes.

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